Trees and Plants

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Trees and Plants

Master Architectural Committee Approval: Homeowners are reminded that approval from the MAC is required on all exterior structures, alterations and landscape plans including fences and walls. Any change to the exterior appearance of one's property must be approved by the MAC. Further, once a plan is approved, it must be abided by; any modification must be approved prior to installation.

Palms and similar large tropical plants will only be allowed if the proposed locations for these plants allow adequate room for the Palms and similar large tropical plants will only be allowed if the proposed locations for these plants allow adequate room for the ultimate size and height of the specific plants. In general plantings that will grow to exceed twenty five (25) feet in height are discouraged. This is to keep the height of the material below the ridgeline of two story structures within each neighborhood. Focal points or theme plantings that require a tropical effect should be allowed to utilize the larger material as noted on List B. Front yard trees should have sufficient clearance surrounding them to minimize the possibility of interference with surrounding sidewalks, etc.
Front Yard Trees:
Scientific Name Common Name Ht Sp Notes
Albizia julibrissin 'Rosea' Silk Tree 30' 20' Spreading tree, covered with pink powder puff flowers in mid-summer. Deciduous for longer period than most.
Arbutus 'Marina' - Multi Marina Strawberry Tree 30' 25' Evergreen, blends well with natives. Similar to Toyon. Summer water ok. Use multi.
Geijera parviflora Australian willow 30' 20' Graceful, evergreen tree wth drooping long leaves. Drought-tolerant.
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda 45' 30' Showy, purple flowers in late spring. Nice fern-like foliage. Briefly deciduous.
Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese Flame Tree 30' 30' Sprays of small yellow flowers are showy, then turn to salmon-orange bracts in late summer. Deciduous, easy care.
Lagerstroemia fauerii Tuscarora' or 'Muskogee' or Zuni' or 'Pecos' or others Crape Myrtle 25' 15' Pink, salmon or purple flowers in summer when not much else is in bloom. Deciduous but has fall color. Use Fauerii hybrids.
Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 50' 40' Slow growing evergreen, 10" diameter flowers on glossy foliage. Large fruit and leaf drop requires somewhat constant maintenance.
Melaleuca quinquenervia Paperbark Tree, Cajeput Tree 30' 20' Evergreen, with distinctive thick bark, which peels off in sheets. Creamy-white flowers.
Metrosideros excelsus New Zealand Christmas Tree 35' 30' Evergreen, handsome foliage with orange-red bottlebrush like flowers in mid-summer.
Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 40' 40' Deciduous, slow-growing, leaves turn scarlet, orange and yellow before dropping.
Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine 50' 50' Evergreen, excellent for parks. Fern-like needles on trouble-free tree. Gets large in time.
Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' Purple Plum 20' 20' Deciduous, dark purple leaves, turn bronze in late summer. Pink flowers and little or no fruit.
Tristania conferta Brisbane Box 40' 30' Upright evergreen tree with nice foliage and fragrant flowers, better in 15-gallon size and with some moisture.
LIST A: Acceptable plants generally less than 25' in height, include, but not limited to the following:
Scientific Name Common Name Ht Sp Notes
Chamaedorea elegans Parlor Palm, Neanthe 10' 7' Slender, dwarf palm, popular for indoor use. Native to moist, dense rainforests in Mexico, Guatemala
Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean Fan Palm 20' 20' Multi-trunked, slow growing. Excellent for tubs. Spiny leaves.
Chrysalidocarpus Golden Cane Palm
Areca Palm
12' 10' Small scale, multi-trunked tropical palm with golden stems and leaf stalks.
Cyathea cooperi Australian Tree Fern 20' 12' Fast growing tree fern, to 20 ft. tall. Bright green broad fronds. Brownish hair on leafstalks.
Cycas revoluta Sago Palm 6' 6' Cycad, very slow growing. Glossy deep green leaves, 3-7 ft. long.
Cycas species Cycad 15' 8' Slow growing evergreen plants with large, firm palmlike or fernlike leaves. This could include any member of the family Cycadacae.
Dicksonia antarctica Tasmanian Tree Fern 15' 8' Slow growing tree fern with arching 3-6
Dioon species Dioon 12' 12' Slow growing Cycads, resemble Cycas Revoluta.
Dracaena species N.C.N. 20' 8' Evergreen, small palmlike trees. Some have striped leaves
Howea belmoreana Sentry Palm 25' 10' Palm with strongly arching fronds. Likes shade, Use as a multi
Howea forsteriana- Kentia Palm 30' 15' One of the most elegant palms, very slow
Musa species Banana 18' 8' Fast growing perennial with spectacular long, broad leaves. Some varieties will bear edible fruit.
Neodypsis decaryi Triangle Palm 30' 12' Distinctive palm with three-sided trunk. Leaves arranged in three rows.
Phoenix roebellinii Pygmy Palm 10' 6' Small, light green pygmy palm
Rhapis excelsa Lady Palm, Bamboo Palm 12' 5' Multi-stemmed fan palm, forms dense clumps. Stems are covered in woven brown fibre.
Rhapis humilis Slender Lady Palm 12' 5' Spreading plam with clumps of many slender stems covered with palmate
Rhopalostylis sapida Nikau Palm, Shaving-Palm, Feather Duster Palm 30' 10' A distinctive palm with stiff, upright leaves, to about 6 ft. long. Pronounced bulge at base of crown
Strelitzia nicholai Giant Bird of Paradise 30' 12' Tropical treelike, clumping with gray-green leathery 5-10 ft. leaves. Flower is white with blue tongue
Trithrinax acanthocoma Spiny Fiber Palm 15' 10' Brown fibre webbing covers trunk. Fan-shaped leaves. Leaf-base has spines
Veitchia merrillii Manila Palm, Christmas 15' 12' Slim, solitary grey trunk with a sparse crown of arching feathery leaves. Bright red fruit in Winter.
Yucca species Yucca 20' 6' Evergreen perennial with clusters of sword-shaped leaves and large white flowers.
LIST B: Acceptable plants generally less than 50' in height, include, but not limited to the following:
Archontophoenix alexandrae Alexandra Palm 40' 15' Slender, trunked palm to 40 ft. with a crown of dark green leaves.
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana King Palm 50' 15' Feathery leaves 8-10 ft. on mature trees.
Brahea armata Blue Hesper Palm, Mexican Blue Palm 50' 20' Beautiful blue fronds, look almost white in the moonlight. Slow growing, but hardy.
Brahea edulis Guadalupe Palm 50' 12' Fan palm with edible black fruit.
Butia capitata Jelly Palm, Wine Palm 25' 12' Beautiful blue-green leaves, strongly recurved, make it instantly recognizable. Fruit are used to make jelly.
Butia species Pindo Palm 30' 15' Stout, solitary palms, with arching feathery fronds with narrow stiff leaflets.
Caryota cumingii Fishtail Palm 25' 10' Monocarpic palm, single trunk,up to 90 ft. Leaves are 9-18 ft. long, with wedge-shaped, toothed leaflets, like a fish tail.
Caryota mitis Clustered Fishtail Palm 40' 15' Clustering species of Fishtale palm, Slow grower to 20-25 ft., tolerant of low light, requires lots of water at all times of year.
Caryota species Fishtail Palm 40' 15' Monocarpic feather palms with finely divided leaves. Leaflets flattened and split at tips like fish tails.
Livistona australis Australian Fan Palm 60' 10' Moderately tall, fast growing fan palm from Australia, likes abundant water.
Livistona chinensis Chinese Fountain Palm 40' 10' Popular fan palm, slow growing. Bright green 3-6 ft. leaves.
Livistona decipiens Ribbon Fan Palm, Weeping Cabbage Palm 40' 10' Dwarf fan palm, with stiff, bright green, dense fans. Slow growing. Large clusters of yellow flowers.
Syagrus romanzoffianum Queen Palm 50' 12' Formerly known as Arecastrum. Straight trunk to 50 ft. Arching, bright green feathery leaves 10-15 ft. long.
Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill Palm 40' 6' Moderate-sized fan palm, to 30 ft. Leaves to 3 ft. Trunk is usually thicker at top than at bottom.